Hi, I’m Virin…

I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs, professionals and driven individuals
transform stress and overwhelm to maximize their performance and balance with
the power of Mindfulness.

As a former corporate executive who experienced the excruciating pain of
overwhelm from work-life pressures, I deeply understand the damaging effects of
daily stress in fast-paced work environments. The impact of these pressures is
more profound now as a result of massive post-pandemic global disruptions.

I offer sustainable solutions to these challenges in the form of proven mindfulness
strategies. The multitude of benefits from mindfulness include – better resilience,
increased flexibility, empathy, increased self-determination and persistence,
improved working memory, more accurate cognitive responses, improved social
relationships, increased motivation, and overall enhanced wellbeing.

Since 2013, I have had the valuable opportunity to empower hundreds of
professionals and entrepreneurs to easily and strategically overcome their stress
and overwhelm. This has helped them to boost their performance, productivity,
emotional intelligence, peace and happiness.


  • R1:1 & group coaching, training programs and motivational speaking
  • RExecutive Contributor at BRAINZ magazine
  • RAmbassador For Peace Award winner (UPF)
  • RMeditation Facilitation & Coaching Certification
  • RCertifications in The Neuroscience of Learning & NLP
  • RMasters in Quantum Physics
  • RCo-Author of Amazon best-seller “The Missing Piece in Self-Love”
  • RCo-Author of Booktopia best-seller “The Art of Self-Care”
  • RKeen philanthropist
  • RAccredited Mindfulness Coach & Trainer

Grateful Words of Appreciation from My Clients:

"Working with Virin was one of the best decisions in my life..."

– Lara

“Virin is a wonderful coach – loving, caring and sensitive.”

– Peter

“The transformation that Virin’s program has taken me through has been life-changing on so many levels. The tools that I'm walking away with are 'priceless'. It has absolutely transformed my life in the best possible way."

– Tracy

Virin’s Professional Credentials

Meditation Facilitator (Guided Meditation Framework)
Mindfulness Practitioner Accreditation (Ovio Mindfulness)
Mindfulness Practitioner  (Renew Your Mind)
Certified Coach  (Life in Balance Pty Ltd)
Certification in The Neuroscience of Learning
Certification in Leadership Foundations
Certified NLP Master Prac. IANLP (Transformations International)
Masters in Quantum Physics